Chicago Passes on 2024; Robertson Praises Istanbul; Tokyo Marks 200 Days to Go

(ATR) Cities react to USOC letter inviting bid talks ... British sports minister to Turkey ... Tokyo celebrates 200 days to IOC vote ... Growing divide over Graubünden 2022 ... More inside this edition of Bidding for the Games ...




Chicago Passes on 2024; Atlanta Icon Urges No; SFO Possible

Chicago said Tuesday the Windy City and 2016 bidder would not try again for the 2024 Olympics.

Sarah Hamilton, a spokesperson for Mayor Rahm Emmanuel, was quoted by The Chicago Tribune saying: "Our position remains the same – we are not bidding".

The comments come after a U.S. Olympic Committee letter sent Tuesday to the 25 largest U.S. cities and former Olympic hosts inviting them to begin talks about bidding.

Former Atlanta mayor and 1996 bid leader Andrew Young said his city should also pass on the bid.

"In the first place, I don’t feel like going through it again, and I don’t imagine anyone from 1996 will," he told Atlanta magazine.

"It’s a ten-year commitment.

"We have other things we need to do that are going to command our attention – transportation, water resources. There are a lot of problems we need to take care of."

San Francisco Mayor Ed Lee told the editorial board of The San Francisco Chronicle recently that he wants the Olympics in the city, and is establishing a non-profit organization to raise funds to bid for large-scale sporting events.

"I want to be able to raise the money from people who want these events to come to the city successfully, and want to keep them coming," he said.

"I suggest that a new Santa Clara stadium and a new arena on the water would add (tremendously) to the possibility of a Bay Area international athletic event that I will not name," he said, later clarifying that he meant the Olympics.

San Francisco attempted to bid for 2012, but the USOC selected New York City instead.

British Sports Minister Visits Turkey

British sports minister Hugh Robertson led a trade delegation to Turkey this week, visiting Istanbul 2020 bid leaders.

"These are extraordinarily exciting times for sport in Turkey," Robertson said following a meeting with bid chairman Hasan Arat.

"The Istanbul 2020 bid encapsulates this excitement, bringing together the city’s fantastic history in a country that showcases the best of Asia and the best of Europe."

Joining Robertson were 20 U.K. companies such as British Telecommunications and Populous that were involved in the 2012 Games.

"Our experience in constructing and delivering great global events is at Turkey’s disposal," he said.

Turkish sport minister Suat Kilic added: "I attended the London 2012 Games which were of the highest standard. Turkey is also very ambitious to host major global sports events such as the Olympic and Paralympic Games in 2020. Therefore it is appropriate that we should welcome Minister Robertson and the delegation of expert UK companies to discuss how Turkey and the UK could collaborate in the future. The meetings have been very productive and I believe both sides have learnt a great deal."

Tokyo Celebrates 200-Day Countdown

On Tuesday, Tokyo celebrated 200 days to the IOC decision on the 2020 host city. The Japanese city is running against Istanbul and Madrid. A vote will come Sept. 7 at the IOC Session in Buenos Aires.

The celebration took place at Haneda International Airport with 200 elementary school students, Olympians and a routine from a kabuki actor.

A statement from Tokyo 2020 said the celebration was intended to showcase traditional and contemporary Japan, and the bid’s concept of the Games as a "60-day sporting and cultural festival".

Media Watch

The international service of the Swiss Broadcasting Corporation reports on the growing divide in public opinion over the proposed Graubünden 2022 bid, and initial financial figures for the Games, estimated at $4.7 billion.

Written by Ed Hula III.

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