Australian Olympic Committee Annual General Meeting: Election for President

The AOC Athletes’ Commission met to determine how the Commission Chair and Deputy Chair would vote in the election for President. 


The Australian Olympic Committee Athletes’ Commission met today to determine how the Athletes’ Commission Chair and Deputy Chair would vote in the election for President at the Australian Olympic Committee Annual General Meeting on Saturday. The make-up of the Executive Board was also discussed.

The Athletes’ Commission committed to a democratic process in determining these votes. It is critically important that the full range of views and interests of the athletes are heard. The interests of the athletes should always be at the heart of the Olympic movement.

Prior to the meeting, the Commission consulted widely with the athlete population, and received an unprecedented level of feedback on the role of President and the future of the AOC. Both Danni Roche and John Coates were afforded the opportunity to present to the Athletes’ Commission, and both did so.

Danni’s platform has raised a number of issues that we, as an Athletes’ Commission, and the broader athlete population, have passionate views on.

The overwhelming response from the athlete population and alumni was that there is a desire for change. Opinions differed as to how this change should best be achieved.

The Commission had a long and vibrant discussion, airing a range of views and sharing feedback from athletes, alumni and National Federation Athletes’ Commissions.

In a non-unanimous majority decision, the Commission voted to support the re-election of John Coates.

The Athletes’ Commission wants to see a balanced, independent and collaborative Executive Board, and as such, supports the election of Andrew Plympton to one of the Vice President roles.

This consultation process has informed how the Athletes’ Commission wants the AOC to look into the future, and encourages athletes to continue to engage in shaping the future of our Australian Olympic movement.

The following considerations were integral to the decision of the Athletes’ Commission to support John Coates:

The Athletes’ Commission supports the transition to a traditional non-Executive President role, supported by a strong Executive Board. The Athletes’ Commission has confidence in the incoming CEO Matt Carroll to take on the full responsibilities of a CEO.

The Athletes’ Commission supports a review of the President’s remuneration. Any remuneration should be commensurate with the role undertaken. The scope of this role should be determined by the Executive Board.

The Athletes’ Commission unconditionally supports the independent investigation into allegations of bullying within the AOC.

The Athletes’ Commission supports the independent review of workplace culture at the AOC. The AOC expects very high standards of athletes who represent Australia at the Olympic Games, and the Athletes’ Commission believes that the same high standards should be placed on employees, directors and contractors to the Australian Olympic Committee.

The Athletes’ Commission supports, and is willing to help facilitate, cooperation and collaboration between the AOC and the ASC. The Athletes’ Commission has confidence in the ability of CEOs Matt Carrol and Kate Palmer to work together in the best interests of the athletes and Australian sport as a whole.

The Athletes’ Commission emphasises the importance of retaining focus on supporting athletes in their transition out of sport, and their wellbeing during and post their sporting careers. Enhanced organisational support for these initiatives should be channelled in this direction.

The Athletes’ Commission wants proactive remediation of the relationship between the AOC and Swimming Australia, including the opportunity for the views of swimmers to be heard and addressed.

The Athletes’ Commission supports a planned and strategic transition of John Coates out of the Presidency. Any succession plan should aim to cultivate a number of candidates who the sports can vote on at a future AGM. This succession plan should involve John Coates sharing his knowledge and mentoring the next generation of leaders within the Australian Olympic family.

Regardless of the outcome of Saturday’s election, the Athletes’ Commission is committed to working with the AOC President and Executive to ensure that the athletes’ best interests remain at the forefront of decision making.

The Athletes’ Commission thanks everybody who took the time to share their opinions, and wishes our Winter Olympians all the very best for PyeongChang Winter Olympics in 8 months’ time.

There will be no further comment from any member of the Commission prior to the conclusion of the AGM.

Athletes’ Commission Representatives

Chair - Steve Hooker (Athletics)

Deputy Chair - Kim Brennan (Rowing)

Jess Fox (Canoe/Kayak)

Ken Wallace (Canoe/Kayak)

Alana Boyd (Athletics)

Cate Campbell (Swimming)

Ramone Cooper (Freestyle Skiing)

Lydia Lassila (Freestyle Skiing)

Shelley Watts (Boxing)

James Tomkins (Rowing)

Jamie Dwyer (Hockey)

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