ANOC Modernizes Under New Leadership

(ATR) ANOC's Modernization Commission will put 16 proposals before Saturday's Extraordinary General Assembly that are “a step up into this century,” says Chairman Kevan Gosper. ATR's Karen Rosen reports.


(ATR) The Modernization Commission will put 16 proposals before Saturday's Extraordinary General Assembly in Lausanne that are "a step up for ANOC into this century," says chairman Kevan Gosper.

However, the IOC member from Australia says the proposals "are not revolutionary. They’re about strengthening ANOC’s image and its activities in the interest of all the NOCs."

The idea to establish the commission originated with ANOC President Sheikh Ahmad.

"He’s been highly consultative and very imaginative," Gosper says. "He’s a new breath of fresh air into the ANOC organization. He’s proactive and his main interest is to raise the profile of ANOC."

The NOCs have had a voice since the start of the process, which began with their responses to a questionnaire sent out by ANOC last June.

Gosper says the 15-member commission, which also received strong support from ANOC Secretary General Gunilla Lindberg, made sure to keep its recommendations within the terms of the IOC Charter.

Proposals include ensuring that ANOC protects the interests of all NOCs within the Olympic family, including the OCOGs, "because it’s during a Games where they provide their biggest support in sending their teams for competition," Gosper says. "That’s paramount."

He says introducing annual global NOC forums in coordination with the IOC where there is necessary synergy across special subjects – such as marketing, talent identification, sports development and sports education – would yield a stronger knowledge exchange.

Gosper says ANOC could generate attention by establishing annual gala awards for outstanding performances.

"We’re also keen to explore ways at being more strongly identified as an active global Olympic organization," Gosper says.

He believes ANOC can become more involved with initiatives in which the IOC has partnered with other entities such as the United Nations, UNESCO and the World Health Organization. "I want to emphasize we’re not trying to take a leader role here," he says. "We just think we can assist in contributing to the IOC’s important links with those international organizations."

In addition, the Modernization Commission is proposing to remove all of ANOC’s existing current commissions, which Gosper says are too much a replication of IOC commissions, and replace them with more specific roles in the form of working commissions.

The commission also recommends meeting annually as a council with the councils of the Association of Summer Olympic International Federations and the Association of International Olympic Winter Sports Federations to discuss the contribution NOCs make in choosing the teams to participate in the Olympic Games.

The Sheikh shared the Modernization Commission’s findings with IOC President Jacques Rogge. The NOCs also received copies of the proposals prior to the Extraordinary General Assembly.

"We want no surprises and we want people to feel that they’ve been a part of it," Gosper says.

Although the commission hopes all 16 proposals will be adopted as a package, Gosper says that if there is a strong objection to a particular area, "We would either make an endeavor on the spot to adjust it to satisfy that objection or we’d take it out."

Reported by Karen Rosen

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