Nepal Olympic Cmte At Risk In Turmoil

(ATR) A despised king and a Maoist uprising may be more than the Nepal Olympic Committee can handle, its status under watch by Olympic leaders in Asia and in Lausanne



(ATR) A despised king and a Maoist uprising may be more than the Nepal Olympic Committee can handle, its status under watch by Olympic leaders in Asia and in Lausanne.

Around the Rings reports on troubles facing the Nepalese committee in the upcoming August 19 weekly issue.

The problems in Nepal have persisted for several years but have intensified since February when King Gyanendra deposed a democratic government, leading to more meddling in the affairs of the NOC by the king and his associates.

A nation of 27 million, Nepal sent two athletes to the Athens Olympics.

Other stories to watch for in the August 19 issue of Around the Rings:

-- The Favorite to Lead the IOC Coordination Commission for London 2012

-- Beijing Olympics Weather: A Preview

-- A Memorial for a Missing Sports Leader

