Trump invites tech leaders to talk after industry opposition

President-elect Donald Trump has invited technology leaders to a discussion next week in New York as Silicon Valley seeks new relationships with the incoming administration.


Oracle Co-Chief Executive Officer Safra Catz, among the business leaders and politicians who met last month with Trump in the days after his election, will attend the technology discussion, according to Oracle. A spokesman for Trump's transition team didn't return requests seeking comment on the meeting.

Venture capitalist Peter Thiel, a Facebook board member, was among Trump's lone prominent backer from the tech industry and is a member of his transition team. Some executives of large U.S. technology companies offered conciliatory words after the election and IBM CEO Ginni Rometty was among those named last week by Trump to an economic advisory panel that will begin meeting with him in February.

The meeting is scheduled for 2 p.m. Dec. 14, with the agenda not yet decided, according to a copy of the invitation signed by Thiel, Trump's chief of staff Reince Priebus and Jared Kushner, Trump's son-in-law. The tech discussion with Trump was reported earlier by USA Today and Politico.

Facebook, Apple and Alphabet declined to comment about whether company executives had been invited or would attend.

Authors Brian Womack & Lizette Chapman
Source The Washington Post


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